Few life experiences – if any – are better than being on the water and it gets even better cruisin’ the waters of Fort Myers Beach!
From the sparkling and tranquil Gulf of Mexico, through Mantazas Pass into the calm and life-rich waters of Estero Bay, boating in Southwest Florida is something no one should miss in a lifetime.
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows
From your Sun Palace beach vacation home it’s an easy jump to chartered or private cruises around our island home.
Check our available homes for the week you want to visit and join us for your honeymoon! Order our free Vacation Guide to learn more about all the activities in Southwest Florida!
Book now and get summer rate specials, including early bird specials & Florida resident specials!

A private eco tour charter provider, SWFL Cruises provides families and small groups an opportunity to explore and discover the bay and inland waters of Fort Myers Beach, Sanibel Island and Bonita Springs on a private charter with an experienced naturalist.
Look for dolphin, manatee and other unique, rare species of wading and shore birds while learning about the mangrove ecology which supports their health. Stop on a barrier island only accessible by boat, canoe or kayak and explore areas seldom visited by other travelers.
Capt Dave will deliver the personal, professional experience your family and friends are looking for in a private charter. This isn’t just a tour, it’s an adventure.
SWFL Cruises only practices low impact, sustainable eco and nature tour methods, meaning we will not attempt to feed, harass, or alter the natural behavior of any species we encounter on any tour.
Capt. Dave and his company offers on a regular basis a Sunset Cruise, the Island Eco Tour, a Cayo Costa State Park Tour (caution: haunted island) and he’ll even arrange a wedding at sea!
Check out Capt. Dave’s blog to get the latest on seafaring adventures.
Many cruise adventures await Sun Palace guests!
For a sunset dinner cruise or a Sunday brunch cruise aboard a large craft there is the Sanibel Harbour Princes Yacht, sailing out of the Sanibel Harbour Resort.

For sightseeing and dinner cruises along the Caloosahatchee River from historic downtown Fort Myers there is the Capt. JP riverboat.
Captiva Cruises offers a wide range of excursions along the playground islands of Captiva, Useppa, Cabbage Key, Cayo Costa, Boca Grande aboard a large, comfortable vessel.
The Fort Myers Princess offers year-round water tours, including afternoon dolphin & sightseeing tours, early evening sunset party cruises, holiday & specialty cruises and private charters to host a variety of special events.
Maybe you’re more adventurous and feeling like a swashbuckler and want to give Salty Sam’s Pieces of Eight cruise a go. Avast ye mateys and climb aboard a replica 18th Century Spanish galleon for vacation memories to treasure.
How about a shelling & lunch cruise or a little backwater fishing with the good folks at Adventures in Paradise? They’ve been around for 31 years and know the waters well.
Whatever water adventures you seek you’ll find it all here on Fort Myers Beach. And don’t forget that great cruise to Key West for a day…or two…or three.